Hej Gothenburg !


I wanted to visit Sweden since a very long time. Like many people, I’m very attracted by scandinavian design and aesthetics, that’s why with two friends we decided to organize a city break in Gothenburg.

Why Gothenburg ? It’s the second city in Sweden, but it’s on a human scale (which is convenient for a short stay), and you can find everything needed for design, museums, shopping, trendy cafes, etc…

Indeed, it’s the city of temptations: at every corner you’ll find a nice place for a quick lunch (soup and bread) or for having a coffee and pastry (called “fika” in swedish), and it’s always delicious !

What can we say about shops in which you’ll want to buy EVERYTHING ? Be sure to provide a baggage fee for the return journey !

Cherry on the cake, Swedish people are smiling and incredibly kind.

In short, we loved Gothenburg and dream to go back soon !

Do you want to come with me ?

Haga district:

This is one of the trendiest place of Gotenburg, an old working-class neighborhood with small buildings of brick and wood, tastefully restaured. You can find antique and books shops, cafes and restaurants.


If you love cinnamon rolls, stop at Café Husaren (Haga Nygata 24): they sell some giants !


Another warm place for fika: Café Hebbe Lelle (Haga Nygata 23B), I took opportunity of the break to make a watercolor inside this nice café.


The walk continues in the neighborhood:


For dinner, I suggest you the very good fish restaurant Sjöbaren (Haga Nygata 25) where I ate a delicious fish soup ! Don’t forget that in Sweden people have dinner very early, between 18H and 19H.


To continue the evening, you can go to Nefertiti (Hvitfeldtsplatsen 6), a short walk from Haga on the other side of the canal. Look at the website for the list of concerts and events, the place is really nice and we’ve seen a great jam session !



There are many museum in Gothenburg, but we just had time to visit those two.

First the Röhsska, museum of design, with a beautiful permanent exhibition dedicated to the Swedish design of the early 20th century to today.


After the visit, don’t hesitate to take a break at the café Röhsska, a large and clean design space: the food is simple but delicious.


Another must, the Konstmuseum, museum of fine arts, which I love the 20s architecture. For the amateurs, there’re some beautiful Carl Larsson’s watercolors.


Deco shopping:

There’re a lot of shops in Gothenburg, but my favorites are on Vallgatan :

  • Design Torget (Vallgatan 14): design objects, it’s beautiful but expensive !
  • Granit (Vallgatan 19): a kind of Swedish version of Muji, with many decorative and storage elements and reasonable prices.
  • Lagerhaus (Vallgatan 16): in this shop prices are downright affordable, you can find dishes, table linens, stationery, etc…

And next Granit there is this pretty small passage: the Victoria passage, with nice shops and coffees.



Like any city, nothing is better than strolling to explore it; so feel free to get lost (and believe me, in Gothenburg we get lost a lot, even with a map !).


Coup de coeur:

A big “coup de coeur” for a nice flower shop run by a mother and daugther: Ljungh’s Blommor (Reutersgatan 2). A lovely welcome, a selection of beautiful flowers, definitely worth a visit if you want to bring back a Christmas crown for example !


Well, I hope you enjoyed the trip ! See you soon for more: the visit of Gothenburg islands.

Thanks for reading and please excuse my mistakes !

23 thoughts on “Hej Gothenburg !

  • December 1 2015 at 22 h 30 min

    Merci Mélanie pour ce bout de chemin, tu donnes envie d’y aller ! Merci aussi de m’avoir prévenue du lancement de ton joli projet, je t’adresse tous mes voeux de succès !!! Et en tant que vieille copine de blog (et faillie-être-cousine ;)) je ne pouvais pas ne pas te laisser un commentaire enthousiaste sous le premier billet de ton blog tout neuf 😉

    • December 2 2015 at 13 h 09 min

      Merci beaucoup Rebecca, tu as inauguré ce nouveau blog 😉 A très vite j’espère !

  • December 1 2015 at 22 h 42 min

    Très beau billet, il donne envie de partir sur vos pas. Belle vie à ce nouvel espace.

  • December 2 2015 at 13 h 44 min

    Félicitations pour la Création de ce Blog *
    Merci Beaucoup pour ce ”joli partage” *
    Douce Apres-Midi
    A Bien Vite.
    Isabelle A-N

  • December 2 2015 at 13 h 52 min

    Moi aussi j’avais retenu la gentillesse et la chaleur des Suédois.
    Bonne chance dans ton nouveau projet 🙂

  • December 2 2015 at 13 h 52 min

    Félicitations pour ce nouveau blog qui semble bien prometteur.Belle visite guidée qui m’a fait faire un beau voyage.J’aime l’ancien blog car je suis une inconditionnelle de tes livres mais je vais aimer celui-là aussi.Bonne continuation.Bisous annie

  • December 2 2015 at 14 h 30 min

    Bravo pour cette novelle page à écrire et pour cette idée de destination! J’adore vos portraits de maison, ça me tente!
    Bonne journée.

  • December 2 2015 at 20 h 05 min

    Wahou ! Que c’est beau et comme tu me donnes des envies de voyage et de nouveau départ !
    Longue vie à ta nouvelle page, continue de nous faire rêver avec de belles photos, et illustrations. Merci pour ces moments choisis, tu me permets de continuer à rêver…

  • December 2 2015 at 20 h 33 min

    Longue vie à ton nouveau blog .
    Je vais rêver avec tes belles photos et voyages 🙂

  • December 2 2015 at 21 h 07 min

    Félicitations pour ce nouveau blog ! Superbe ! Et merci pour la jolie ballade !!!

  • December 2 2015 at 21 h 42 min

    Oh tu as vu des aquarelles de Larson !!!!?????? La chance !!! Mon rêve je suis une grande fan ohlalalalalal! Faut que je motive les troupes de casaniers de la maison pour y aller !!!! Merci pour ce partage Mélanie et je te souhaite de la réussite pour ton nouveau travail 😉

  • December 2 2015 at 21 h 44 min

    C’est fou on dirait qu’il n’y a personne !!! Ça a l’air tellement calme !:)

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